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Verband der Hersteller Digitaler Modellbahnprodukte e.V.

(Association of Manufacturers of Digital Model Railway Products eV)

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Otherwise known as the RailCommunity.


The main goals of the association are:

  1. To achieve better interaction between digital components from different manufacturers.
  2. To make the use of digital technology easier for the user.
  3. To create a common basis for future developments.

Press Release

Four steps closer to uniformity

German model railway manufacturers agree on electronics standards

There are many providers of model railway electronics, but customers still have to be satisfied with a limited range, because combinations of products from different manufacturers can lead to a whole range of malfunctions. That should change. In the association “RailCommunity – Association of Manufacturers of Digital Model Railway Products e. V.”, the well-known European digital manufacturers have joined forces to increase the compatibility between their products. In close coordination with German and international model railroad associations, they define common standards for this purpose, the so-called "RailCommunity standards" (RCN).

See Also

For more information visit RailCommunity